All enrollment submissions for PTF events will be done exclusively online. Please keep the following points in mind as you fill out online registration forms:
- Collect all the necessary data before you begin filling out the forms.
- Fill out each required field accurately and completely. Incomplete forms will not be accepted (using an "x" to complete a field will be considered incomplete.) - The guidebook contains lists of required information for each event. Record forms have been provided for your convenience (click here).
- Entry fields may not be reviewed after submission.
- Contact the event chairperson with any questions.
- Please keep event chair contact information confidential so that all communication with the chairperson is between him/her and the teacher, not parents or students.
- Online registration help is available at each PTF meeting upon request
Ensemble Festival
Sonata-Sonatina Festival
Student Achievement Testing (SAT)
Lower Level Registration (1-5)
Upper Level Registration (6-12)
Scholarship Competition (Junior High Division)
We now accept digital payment via PayPal! Click the link to make your payment online or use your own PayPal app and search "" to send your payment. Please include your name and the name of the event you are paying for in the memo.
Copyright © Piano Teachers' Forum of Grand Rapids - All Rights Reserved.
Grand Rapids, Michigan